Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Town Shoot Out -- Yard Objects

This one was challenging for me, as I don't have a yard to speak of, so no real yard objects. I grabbed my camera, hopped into the car, and off we went!

With a happy accident, we ended up at Rosewood Farms .

Part of their outdoor breezeway. A cute little gardening hutch.

One of the many tables & chairs sitting outside. Also in the breezeway.

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One of the banks of flowers in bloom. So pretty!

Alas, we didn't get any chocolate, as we were afraid it would get too melty in the car. .


  1. Great job on your shoot out! I agree - this was a tough one. But I appreciated it because it made us step out and see things in a different light. I think your shots are fantastic, especially the first one. Awesome picture.

  2. I look forward to seeing your web site develope and to see your perspective on your town.

  3. I did not realize how hard it was until I remembered that here in my area home owner org's do not let you put stuff in the front, so I had to sneak in a back yard for mine, and I guess I could have gone around and take sculptors in public, but no time! Look forward to your posts in the future!

  4. From the bank of flowers, it appears someone has a green thumb. Good job.
